Saturday, October 23, 2010

This is the beginning of my new beginning

How do you start talking about something in a blog? An introduction perhaps? I'm still trying to figure this blog thing out but, hey at least I'm loving it.
For the past couple of years I have been really interested in Journalism and at some point I considered majoring in it. Don't get me wrong I still love it, but I might just minor in it and major in International studies.
This isn't my permanent decision, I'm still young and I have plenty of time in my hands.
Anyway lets cut to the chase, I asked around the university about who's responsible for the magazine and a certain someone told me about this professor. I emailed him saying that I was interested and he CC'ed my email to the magazine's editor. she told to write about anything student-related. So I decided to write about my worries of starting a new life at the university; how i'm going to cope with the change and face the obstacles that the university may lay for me.
Here's my article:

"I put my hands on my face and lowered my head in an attempt to shake away the unnecessary fears. I looked at my cousin, who was sitting beside me in the car, to find reassurance. Something to tell me that it’s ok and that there’s nothing to worry about. Her expression: blank. She must be experiencing the same feelings as mine. I lay my head on the window and I started thinking about what lies ahead. I imagined myself lost in the university’s corridors; trying to look for classes but can’t find them. I imagined myself confused in a classroom not understanding a word the professor says. All these scary imaginations bottling up inside my head made me realize that I’m not entering a safe realm. “It’s going to be something completely different from what I’ve experienced in my past seventeen years,” I said to myself. It won’t have the school’s sense of security; the place I called my second home. It won’t have the warmth of my friend’s hugs and smiles, the friends whom I call sisters. It won’t have the easy-going relationship I had with my teachers and principles, since they are all familiar with me for they have taught me ever since I was a child. Now, it’s professors who might not even have the chance to memorize my name since they’re going to be busy teaching many other classes.  Suddenly, the commotion increased inside my head. I still don’t know what I want to major in. I don’t know how my interests are going to help me build a solid foundation for my future. I felt sick; I didn’t want my driver to reach the university. I’m not ready for this; I’m still young.  I’m still the girl who switches on her playstation and plays for hours. I’m still the girl who makes a mess in her room ad expects it to be clean by the time she comes back. I’m still the girl who runs crying to her mother when facing a problem. I don’t want responsibilities. I don’t want to grow up. I stopped for a second, and I thought to myself. Why am I focusing only on the negatives and not on the positives? This might be a new experience but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad one.  It’s up to me to make it a meaningful learning journey. I am the one who decides how these four years will influence my life. This doesn’t have to be the end of twelve beautiful years in school, but the beginning of four new exciting ones. This is going to be the first steps I take toward the future I have been waiting for. To make a positive difference in the world by excelling in what I do best. No one expects me to grow up over night. I’ll take my time in exploring my options and more importantly myself. It’s okay to be puzzled. After all, we’re all imperfect humans and we all have doubts. I did it again. I let my foolish side get the best of me and fill me up with all these silly suspicions. I laughed at myself and voila, a sudden mood shift! I got out of the car and headed towards the university like a champion eagerly awaiting his prize. This is where my story unfolds. This is the beginning of my new beginning."


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