Tuesday, January 18, 2011

An Actual Confession?

It's been a long time since I've last blogged. If there's a tiny in interest in you as to why I haven't blogged in a while well here's your answer: NO MOTIVATION.
Okay okay, this answer may be a little bit too-dramatic. The truth is there's been a lot of changes in my life recently. I dropped out of Zayed University to move to Dubai Women's college since they offer a better and more practical media program. The result of that change was me surrendering myself to utter boredom which lead to a mild form of depression. I felt like I had no motive and I started doubting myself. What If I don't succeed? What if this isn't the right career path for me? So many unnecessary questions hit me and I was foolish enough to let it get to me. Until a couple of people took some time to speak to me, they truly brought back some sense to me. Especially A, your words really hit home; thanks a lot!!!

Moving on, The result on whether I'll be joining DWC next semester will be revealed tomorrow and I am EXTREMELY TENSED! I just hope and pray that everything turns out as planned.



  1. Keep you your hopes up, and inshAllah you will be accepted :) Goodluck

  2. I appreciate it! Trying my best to stay positive. Thanks a lot!
