Friday, November 2, 2012


Last post: Thursday April 5, 2011.

But why?

Writing is what I love. Why did I let it go? Could it be college? friends? family? or simply I might just have gotten lazy.
I can honestly say that in the past year and a half I learned a lot. I'm not calling myself wise or anything, but I believe its safe to say that Hamda now knows a lot more than Hamda from a year and a half.
I learned more about my interests, my career path. I learned about my likes and dislikes. I discovered who truly cares about me and who is just curious. The ones who smile to my face but frown as soon I turn my back.
At last the last thing I could think of as to why I haven't been writing was this: Lack of inspiration.
It's safe to say that my creativity was lost in the past year and a half but I have been slowly and gradually putting the pieces back together. I'm growing emotionally and mentally. I'm licking my wounds and aspiring to become better, the best.
So many people have been there to inspire me and put me back on track: Amna, Mani, AD, Mayari, Afra, Mthayel, Aunt M, and most importantly my mother.

I am truly blessed and grateful.
