Monday, April 4, 2011

Bring Back What Once Was Mine

Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate's design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine

You Guessed It, Another Confession

It's so astonishing how one person has control over the other. No, I don't mean physically but mentally. Some people have a certain vibe that reaches you instantly which helps you feel at ease while others not so much. Whether it was a friend, colleague, family member and the list goes on. Of course we, as humans, don't get along with everybody. We have our differences: views, personality, sense of humor...etc. Some people just make you hold your breath ( metaphor ) the moment they walk through the door. It's like they possess a certain invisible item which causes you to shut down mentally and not want to participate in the conversation. It's like they have put up a certain barrier which is impossible for you to break down.
Regardless, I personally was fast to judge. I've met a lot of people during the short course of my life and while most were friendly, the rest didn't seem so. Yet with time I realized that I have judged them and didn't give them a chance to change their image. Maybe they were shy? Maybe they weren't the type to chat with anyone they have just met? They say that a person forms his/her opinion about someone after the first 15 seconds of meeting them. Whether that was a proven fact or just a saying, I demandingly suggest that you give a person at least a couple of days before forming an opinion about them. You never know, you might be surprised.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Confess; I'm scared

A lot of things has changed about me lately. Some are good and some are...well, not so good. I started seeing things in different perspectives. I'm starting to lose patience when it comes to people yet I wait when it comes to something that's related to myself. Some of you might take that as selfish but some might say, "Yes, I can relate to that.". Some of you might not even understand what I'm talking about it. I recently took a very major decision that has to do with my life and I'm still waiting for things to go the way I want it. Until now, I'm still waiting. Sometimes I just want to cry and rewind time, yet there are still moments when a tiny spark of hope lights up inside of me and I feel happy again. I love that feeling; it gives me a reason to move on. It tells me: "Yes Hamda, there's light at the end of this tunnel. Just keep walking." I'm still waiting for the time to come where that spark of hope lingers inside of me and and never leaves.With that being said, I'd still like to make one more confession: I confess; I'm scared. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius 
and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." - Marilyn Monroe

An Actual Confession?

It's been a long time since I've last blogged. If there's a tiny in interest in you as to why I haven't blogged in a while well here's your answer: NO MOTIVATION.
Okay okay, this answer may be a little bit too-dramatic. The truth is there's been a lot of changes in my life recently. I dropped out of Zayed University to move to Dubai Women's college since they offer a better and more practical media program. The result of that change was me surrendering myself to utter boredom which lead to a mild form of depression. I felt like I had no motive and I started doubting myself. What If I don't succeed? What if this isn't the right career path for me? So many unnecessary questions hit me and I was foolish enough to let it get to me. Until a couple of people took some time to speak to me, they truly brought back some sense to me. Especially A, your words really hit home; thanks a lot!!!

Moving on, The result on whether I'll be joining DWC next semester will be revealed tomorrow and I am EXTREMELY TENSED! I just hope and pray that everything turns out as planned.
